My flash fiction “Seeds” is in CHIRAL MAD 5!
This illustrated horror and science fiction anthology includes Stephen King, not to mention Josh Malerman, Victor LaValle, Zoje Sage, and multiple other award-winning authors. Michael Bailey, a Bram Stoker Award–winning editor, has made a beautiful product for the fifth and final installment of the series.
Seth Brown created an awesome illustration to go with “Seeds.” It’s really special to have somebody create art based on words you wrote, and I’m seriously grateful.
Independent Publisher Book Award
May 2023 – CHIRAL MAD 5 tied for Silver in the Independent Publisher Book Award (IPPY) category for anthologies! The IPPY Awards have been around since 1996, bringing recognition to indie authors and publishers.
Finalist for the Forward Indies
March 2023 – CHIRAL MAD 5 is a finalist for the Foreword Reviews‘ Book of the Year Awards, also known as the Foreword Indies! Thousands of books are entered each year, and over 100 librarians and booksellers take part in the judging process.
Publishers Weekly: Perfect Production Grade
Getting reviewed in Publishers Weekly, especially so positively, is amazing!