Another month, another themed list! Thanks in particular this month to the “Spooky Book Club” and “Horror Books” Facebook groups for caves-themed book recs. If you like what you find here, sign up for my newsletter! I always include a little extra for subscribers. Got any theme-related stories? Books or games set far underground? Music that…
Tag: Writing

February’s Theme: Mushrooms
Every month, for my newsletter subscribers, I do a themed list of book recs, art, music, video games, etc. The newsletter always includes a little extra, but here are some highlights! Do you have any mushroom-oriented books you’ve loved? Any games or music steeped in shroomy goodness? Just a favorite mushroom? If so, drop a…

This January, I launched an author-oddity newsletter! What’s it about? First and foremost, it’s a way to boost other creators, especially small ones still trying to find their audience. If you like the odd and eerie, subscribe! On the 5th each month, you’ll learn what the month’s theme is. On the 25th, I’ll send a…

January’s Theme: Snow
Every month, for my newsletter subscribers, I do a themed list of oddball items: book recs, indie games, art, weird facts, creepy internet rabbit holes… If you like what you see here, sign up! The newsletters always include little extra. If you’ve got more cool theme-related oddities or recommendations, don’t hold out: drop ’em in…

Writing Resources
Are you a new writer? Here’s a list of free and affordable writing resources I’ve collected on my own five-year journey.

Ms. Wolownik’s New Assistant
Here’s my entry for the Official Kidlit #FallWritingFrenzy! Writers select one image to inspire a 200-word story. My image is below! Ms. Wolownik’s New Assistant Ms. Wolownik’s house looks like a rotten potato. It’s brown and white, and nobody can tell mold from paint. Its roof sags. Vines from overgrown plants spill out the windows….

How Do You Finish a Story?
How do you know a story is done? Or if not a “story,” a piece of writing—your flash fiction, your novella, your book. How do you know when it’s a ready, submission-worthy, finished piece? Reading the classics in high school, and even in college, I had this underlying assumption that every poem, every novel, was…

My Sister’s Heart Transplant
TL;DR: My sister got a heart transplant. Please be an organ donor. Click this link: ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━√v^√v^√ ❤️️ In December of 2018, my sister’s heart failed. No warning. She was 21 years old. It was a rare genetic hiccup. Doctors saved her life that December…but at a cost. Her body became, in a sense, battery…

The Saturday Evening Post published my short story about a charming (but very dead) accountant! “Four Months After Herbert Died” is a quick, lighthearted read. Leave a comment at the end if you can! Ranked #1! The Saturday Evening Post just posted a list of their top ten most popular stories for 2019. And guess what?…

Dec. 2019’s #PitMad
I did #PitMad! My first rodeo. On December 5th, I Twitter-binged for ~12 hours. Aaaand when logged off at 8 p.m., my eyeballs about rolled out of my skull. Took an hour for depth perception to return… What’s PitMad? It’s a Twitter event! Writers “pitch” their finished books to agents, who follow the #PitMad hashtag….